Online Worlds > Secret Builders

Missing Shills

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--- Quote from: Panda Pandora on February 09, 2009, 06:00 PM ---Verenice, please let us know when you get your answer for your unique problem. Hugs

--- End quote ---

I e-mailed them yesterday again after losing so many shills, but still no answer.  I was hoping for at least a general reply since they have always answered promptly before.


--- Quote from: verenice on February 09, 2009, 08:56 PM ---since they have always answered promptly before.
--- End quote ---

This is something I have been disappointed with lately...

Panda Pandora:
Well, I am sorry to say, everything I said about the marbles game and getting shills just went down the hole with the marbles. 
I played and quit short of losing and NO SHILLS. 
I played till I lost and NO SHILLS. 
I will not be playing marbles again any time soon and that is sad because I do like the game.  :waveb:


Not to jinx you or anything but that's how it started for me.  I would play a game and not get shills.... eventually I started losing them when my page reloaded.

Still no answer from Secret Builders. :uhuh2:

Panda Pandora:
Verenice, Did you ever get an answer to your inquiry?


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