Online Worlds > Pixie Hollow

D-Names (the name above your fairy's name on friend's lists)

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Well this whole thing certainly gets more and more confusing doesn't it?!   :??:

--- Quote from: AmberDaze on October 10, 2008, 06:50 PM ---You know...when I called Disney Internet to have my password reset for one of my titles, they told me that I could have signed on with any of my VMK names/passwords. I found that very strange... 

--- End quote ---

I think what Disney meant by this, maybe is this... It seems as though PH is linked to whatever accounts we had registered with Disney.  I'm thinking this, because of the Disney Movie Rewards too.  Because we couldn't use more than 1 code for a given movie title, we were pretty much forced to register a completely different email address with Disney, for the movie rewards.  That way if you had 2 movie codes for "Cars", you could enter them both, and get points.  Just enter each code, under each email account registered with Disney.

PH seems to be using whatever accounts we had previously registered with Disney in general, not necessarily with VMK.

As far as the D-Gamer thing... I'm still kinda confused.  Because I could of swore when it asked me to choose a D-Gamer title - I picked AstroGigiblue, just as Ducky did - and was told that title was already taken (even though I knew it was taken by ME, when I signed up for it months ago).  So then I THOUGHT that I chose just AstroGigi.  But friends are telling me my title shows up as AstroGigiblue.  So I have no idea how or why that happened now?   :hmmmm:  Furthermore, I thought that I was approved earlier (instead of just being a Guest), because I had registered for D-Gamer awhile ago.

Yeah, clear as mud I'm sure.  

After going to Check My D-name is approved.

My only problem is I used an email address for my Account ID and I changed my main email but I have to always use my old email to sign in...


I think my D-name is Hibiscusflower which was one of my other characters on VMK.

I think I remember it not taking CoralHibiscus or something


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