Online Worlds > Pixie Hollow

Fairy Fireworks game NOT working?

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The new fireworks game didn't work for me early this morning either.  I thought it was just me.  The brown paper bags had no pictures for me either.   :??:

Fairy Fireworks game?! :heat:

Here is an image.  The sun, flower and fish are the 3 initial images players attempt to light up.
Prizes were oak leaves, maple leaves and "fluff".

While capturing this image I saw a pop up that PH would be closing for maintenance in 60 minutes.  Maybe tehy are going to fix the problems some are having with this game...or the badge situation. 

Panda Pandora:
I can play the game with lag (it freezes and then goes again). I do not see the images at the bottom but I can catch light and click on the leaves and hope I do it right. I have done about three and saw the fireworks.
Would be more fun if I could see the images on the leaves.
My high score is 900. woot???

Isn't the fireworks-type game I was hoping for, but it's cute.  :lolg:


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