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Author Topic: 12/4/2009 Funny- Top 10 Lists & High Level Wearables  (Read 4331 times)

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12/4/2009 Funny- Top 10 Lists & High Level Wearables
« on: December 04, 2009, 01:42 AM »

Top 10 Lists & High Level Wearables
December 4, 2009 10:25 AM

Hey there citizens, Johnny Wilde here with a pretty funny story on what's becoming an increasing trend on the SmallWorlds forums - can you guess what I'm talking about? It's the Top 10 Lists!

Every time I log onto the forums I'm hoping like crazy that there's going to be a new one.  Anyway, one day after having a good laugh at one of the new lists, I put on my new  Rogue Trooper Helmet on my way to a PVP game and I came up with a cool idea. I'd ask a few citizens (including a couple of Top 10 List authors) to come up with Top 10 lists for the latest four High Level Wearables that were released in 2.1!

I ran it past Kent  (he's still on a bit of a high from the SmallWorlds 1st Birthday celebration) and he gave it the all clear. No surprises there really, he's a bit of a closet Top 10 list fan himself.

So - here's what they came up with, and you can vote for your favorite of the four lists at the end of the story. After the poll, you'll find that I've included links to lots of other Top 10 Lists that have been created, so you can go in and laugh some more if you want to.

Top 10 Lists + New High Level Wearables

I just love it when new wearables come out because they give me a great excuse to play a few more games 'n' missions and level up so I can wear them. Kent was only yesterday talking about goal-setting (although I have a feeling he was actually meaning for me to apply it to my journalism career - ha!) so with his advice firmly in mind I've set my sights on the new Superhero Suit - Adamantium Man!

The attributes of all the wearables give you an awesome advantage in the Game Arenas, so if you're like me and you've got a bit of a competitive streak, you'll be wanting to pull out all the stops and get yourself kitted out.

Super Bikes Helmet

This is one cool-looking racing helmet. You'll need to be Level 60 gamer to wear this one. I reckon pairing one of these with one of our skateboards is going to look really great. Attributes: Arcane+10, Fire+20, Speed+40, Health+60.

Nick Winstun - Top 10 Alternate Uses for a SuperBikes Helmet

   1. A fish bowl for the fishy motorcycle fan in the house.
   2. Ball hole for mini golf practice (never can get that 10th hole)
   3. Stew pot (where did my pots and pans go?)
   4. Chair, when there's no rock, of course.
   5. You can always drink from it (pesky pirates stole all my cups)
   6. The amazing build-a-friend, just stuff your Super Bike helmet with pillows!
   7. Boat, never know when you could fall off your island.
   8. Protection from seagulls, once again, your island is never safe
   9. Halloween candy bowl (that holiday will be back sooner than you think)
  10. Dance partner (see #6).

Superhero Suit: Adamantium Man

Yeah, this is the one for me, always did fancy myself as a bit of a Tony Stark kind of guy. This one flies around SmallWorlds spaces with red cape flowing behind. Go invest in a few Graffiti boards for this one - you'll need to be Level 70 Artist. Needless to say, this is going to be quite a challenge for me, but I'm determined.  Fastdraw never looked so attractive! Attributes: Frost+30, Shadow+20, Speed+50, Health+70

Addie Aysnley: The Top 10 in-world crises best averted while wearing an Adamantium Man Suit

   1. Turns out your Smallworlds bff is wearing the same outfit as you. OH NOES!!!!!! Put this bad baby on and none will be the wiser. Phew!! That could have been pixelated fashion mayhem!!!!
   2. You are a girl and have a guy begging to be your bf. This suit will positively baffle him. Is it a man? Is it a woah-man? Of course if begging persists, we have an old friend round these parts called Block-eroonie.
   3. You are arguing with another user over who is a bigger Adam Ant fan. "CHYEAH WELL MY SUIT HAS ADAM ANT IN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You can shout proudly whilst adorning your suit, muahahahaha.
   4. You are refused service at the Cue Club because you had one too many Bottles of Bubbly. Put this suit on, no one will dare refuse you with that fearsome blue glare!!!
   5. Your SW mum says it's time to do your homework. You whip out the Adamantium suit and say you simply must rescue a damsel in distress from a pet poker. IT IS URGENT!!!!! You 1, SW Mum, 0.
   6. Your SW gf dumps you. SO you decide it is in your best interests to serenade her with a YouTube vid of you parading about random SW rooms in your Adamantium suit singing "Hero" by Enrique Iglesias. Let's face it, without the suit you would've just been some daft person typing random song lyrics.
   7. You're chilling at Mary's Antiques. Oh geez.........is that.............CHUCK NORRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations, with your Adamantium suit on you lived for 5 seconds after facing his icy glare. That's 4.9 seconds longer than mere humans.
   8. You have slight delusions of grandeur. You claim to be a superhero stuck in a gamer nerd's body. Well heck, at least now your avi can look the part.
   9. Gambit won't give you your gooooooooold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not endorsing vandalism, but put on the suit for super human strength and kick the heck out of it till it works.
  10. WHAT'S THIS?!?!?!?!?! It's 5 minutes to midnight and if you don't get your featured mission done you will have to restart the challenge again for the week!!!!!! Put your Adamantium suit on, I hear it makes you go Zoom. You finish the mission with seconds to spare. Crisis averted.

Roguetrooper Major Helmet

If, like me you are a little challenged in the artistic dept, this is another really cool choice: the awesome new Roguetrooper Major Helmet! Comes complete with all black attire and a black cape. When it was released I had to go grab one and was rapt to find that I had enough Explorer XP to get it.  Yeah, I totally see myself in one of the Pro Arena games with this wearable on, feeling invincible!  To wear this one you'll need XP50 in Explorer.  Attributes: Fire+20, Frost+20, Speed+30, Health+60

Jimmy Morgan - The Top 10 One-Liners to use while wearing a Roguetrooper Helmet

   1. My mask smells like feet
   2. I tried to transport to the Death Star, but wound up at Ace's Appliances
   3. This thing is giving me helmet head
   4. Look how big my helmet is!!!!! Size does matter!!!!!
   5. My grandparents went to Hawaii, and all I got was this helmet
   6. I just sneezed.........
   7. I wish this suit came with pants
   8. I thought this helmet came with two beer holders and a straw
   9. 10800 Gold is a lot of money just to cover my baldness
  10. Luke........ I'm not your father, but I did sleep with your Mom

Master Geisha

A really cool addition to your wearables wardrobe for those going for (or already possessing) high Social XP, this Master Geisha requires Social XP50 to wear. It has an animation which changes your walk to a small-stride/tippy-toe kind of walk, just adding to that authentic Geisha look and feel. Attributes: Arcane+10, Shadow+20, Speed+30, Health+50

Tier Sufjoy: Top 10 essential rules of Japanese Etiquette to observe while wearing a Master Geisha suit

   1. If you dance, make it elegant. Nothing's worse than a super spinning Geisha. Your waxy hair may come loose.
   2. Geisha's are prestigious and expensive, so no complaining about the cost of masks.
   3. Always be nice and say hello, I mean you are at least 50 social, unlike the Apprentice and Experienced Geishas.
   4. Gei means art (in Japanese), so it wouldn't hurt to share your talents on the Graffiti Board.
   5. Walk on your tiptoes, because flat feet aren't delicate or refined.
   6. Be happy that SmallWorlds uses Western Style Toilets, a proper geisha promotes agreeable ideas.
   7. Blowing your nose in public is bad manners, but blowing a fellow avatar with a Wind Staff is helpful directions.
   8. Know your basics: Konnichiwa and Sayonara... or use your Health Staff. All will appreciate it.
   9. Behave calmly and respectfully in front of shrines, you remember what happened on Easter Island last week?
  10. Although Master Geishas love to eat, they love to cook also. Don't hesitate to stop at Ace's for Cookware.

Vote for your Favorite

Those lists were pretty funny stuff. You can vote for your favorite one here:
Vote for Your Favorite "High Level Wearables Top 10 List"!
Jimmy Morgan: The Top 10 One-Liners to use while wearing a Roguetrooper Major Helmet
Nick Winstun: Top 10 Alternate Uses for a SuperBikes Helmet
Addie Aysnley: Top 10 in-world Crises best averted while wearing an Adamantium Man Suit
Tier Sufjoy: Top 10 essential rules of Japanese Etiquette to observe while wearing a Master Geisha suit

Even MORE Top 10 Lists!

The Top Ten Ways you Know you just got Scammed on Small Worlds - Jimmy Morgan

The Top Ten Ways To Know You Can't Write a Good Top Ten List - Jimmy Morgan

Top Ten Reasons Why Role Playing Hospital and Adoption Centers Fail - Jimmy Morgan

The Top Ten Reasons You Know There are too many Top Ten Lists - Jimmy Morgan

The Top Ten Ways You Know You Bought a Cheap Magic Carpet - Jimmy Morgan

The Top Ten Ways You Know You're Having A Bad Thanksgiving - Jimmy Morgan

And - just to break the Jimmy Morgan Top Ten list "flood"... (seriously though, thanks Jimmy, you da man when it comes to top ten lists!)

Fifteen Reasons That You Know You are Reading a "Top Ten Thread" - Honey Tarts

The Top 10 things that Rock and Rollers do that you probably shouldn't attempt. - Stitch Mayhem

The Top 10 Ways you know you are Obsessed with SmallWorlds / Addicted to SmallWorlds - Nick Winstun [incorporating yet another list also by - can you guess - Jimmy Morgan! ;-) ]

Thanks for the laughs everyone - it's good for the soul for sure!

~Johnny Wilde

You say I am a wench, like it's a bad thing!

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